Coffee Capsules 2U - New Zealand

Coffee Capsules 2U delivers premium quality Nespresso® compatible coffee capsules direct from a leading roaster in Australia.

Coffee Capsules 2U - New Zealand

Based in Warkworth, Patrick and Louise started Coffee Capsules 2U as a genuine alternative to Nespresso�.

In a food system dominated by global corporates we are a refreshingly simple Kiwi orientated business. We genuinely care about New Zealanders and their experience with us. We care about our country too and we’ve created our own recycle process that we plan to expand to all household plastic waste.

Our model is simple and agile; we source good coffee from a top Australian supplier, we keep the operations very lean and we charge the fair-go price (not the price we can get).

Pretty easy really!

    Food & Beverage Company



      Auckland, New Zealand

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