Chateau R & T

香港九龍旺角花園街16號好景商業中心3樓 3/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok,, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Italian Restaurant, Cafe

i Darts GenX

旺角彌敦道594-596號旺角新城9樓(即信和中心旁邊,意粉屋樓上), Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Wine Bar, Pub

Knockbox Coffee Company

旺角黑布街, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Coffee Shop, Restaurant

Enjoy a unique coffee experience at Knockbox. A company run by enthusiasts that offers espresso-based as well as specialty coffees with fresh, home-roasted beans. We sell beans, we sell equipments, and we share coffee-making skills! With the noble "Coffee Grand Slam" subscription you will enjoy 3 cups of coffee of your own choice! You can try making, or seeing us making, the same beans via different methods; or for the die-hard coffee geek, same beans, same method but different brewing parameters. This would enable an amateur to have a taste of the artistic side of coffee-making!

Madrid Cafe 馬德里餐廳

深水埗店 : 深水埗福榮街120-122號地下 - 07:00am - 11:00pm 荔枝角店 : 荔枝角青山道682號潮流工貿中心地下A舖 - 07:00am - 06:00pm, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Cafe, Continental Restaurant, American Restaurant

踏入馬德里的大門,歐陸式的裝潢帶出的簡單的歐洲瑰麗,寧靜,優雅,舒適。旺角分店更全新設有旅遊風格的咖啡廳, 客人可以與三五知己閱讀餐廳提供的旅遊書籍及旅遊產品, 這種悠閒的氣氛給客人一種假期的輕鬆感,這種在鬧市中難以得到精神放鬆,令馬德里餐廳在熱鬧的城市中,獨樹一幟。這種特別,令馬德里餐廳開業十年,屹立不倒,而分店增至三間的原因。 在食材方面,馬德里嚴選健康,有益,新鮮,優質食材,務求更適合年輕人注重健...

TeaWood 茶木

九龍旺角彌敦道628號瓊華中心10樓全層, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Taiwanese Restaurant, Diner, Coffee Shop

茶木·台式休閒餐廳 分店地址 港島區 銅鑼灣分店: 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道489號廣場一期6樓A舖 [T:28365600][營業時間: 星期一至日: 11:30-00:00] 柴灣杏花新城店: 柴灣杏花邨盛泰道100號杏花新城地下G45號 [T:2172 7848][營業時間: 星期一至日: 11:30-23:00] 中環威靈頓街店: 香港中環威靈頓街98號翡翠中心一樓 [T: 2323 1778 (歡迎電話訂座)][營業時間: 星期日至星期四: 11:30 - 23:00; 星期五、六及公眾假期前夕: 11:30 - 00:00] 香港仔中心店: 香港香港仔香港仔中心第5期1 樓E舖及地...

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