Jar d'Ann

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Real Food, Real Easy. Jar d'Ann offers organic ready-to-make-at-home products like soups, risottos, desserts, overnight oats, veggie burgers. And more!

Jar d'Ann

Jar d'Ann is a business designed to make eating well easy to do.

The idea for Jar d'Ann came about as a fusion of two passions -- whole food, plant-based eating and a desire to minimize waste.

All the products are shelf stable and are prepared just by adding either water or nondairy milk.

Perfect for those times when you just don't have time to cook. Do these situations every apply in your life? (Of course they do...)
* Getting home late from work with no time/energy to cook from scratch
* Having something on hand for the kids to prepare for themselves
* Camping trips
* Vacations
* No time to shop
* No interest/experience in cooking
* Not a morning person

You name it. With our products, you don't have to compromise healthy eating just because life gets busy.

We're a new company, so recipe testing is in full swing, but we already have a variety of sweet and savory options -- check the menu page for current inventory.

Our philosophy is to use organic, whole foods. While organic is not always possible for every ingredient, you can be assured the bulk of what we use meets all the standards for organic certification. Some farmers we buy from grow their produce using organic methods, but haven't jumped through the hoops for governmental certification. We still support them.

None of our products will have refined flours or sweeteners. Nature gives us an abundance of everything we need, so you'll see whole grain flours and natural sugars.

Everything is packaged in returnable/reusable/recyclable glass jars. In fact, if you bring the jar back, we'll even give you a $1 credit toward your next purchase or $.50 cash.

When the option to open a stand at the Peoria Riverfront Market came up, we jumped at it. So for the 2017 season (May - September 20) you'll find us every Saturday morning from 8am to noon at the downtown Peoria market.

One day soon we'll have a website up and running, Until then, please contact us for more information. We check this page and our email address frequently.

See you at the Market!

Ann & Vincent


    Shopping & Retail, Grocery Store


   (309) 338-5976

      Facebook page

      212 SW Water St., Peoria, United States

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