Happycoffee Virginia

happycoffee is a local coffee shop based out of Bedford, VA. We also have several locations in Central America (El Salvador). Drink coffee, be happy!

Happycoffee Virginia

How many times have you been somewhere and they ask, "how are you today?". You know they don't care and that is why happycoffee exists. We do care, we care about our customers and making a DELICIOUS cup of coffee.

Attention to detail is what makes us who we are, beautiful atmosphere, unique spaces, good... no GREAT coffee and plenty of food options. We take pride in listening to and reacting to our customers.

We have a 5 star team of employees who make us the great place we are, the original founders can be seen daily at happycoffee making delicious cups of coffee.

...and yes, we have fast WiFi.

    Caffetteria, Ristorante

    Coffee, Drinks

          Catering service
          Suitable for groups
          Suitable for children
          Booking is NOT mandatory

   (540) 707-9256

      104 N Bridge St, Bedford, United States

  Parking in the street


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