Vernonia Summer Meal Program

Abstimmen 5.0 (Durchschnitt von 5 Meinungen)

The VSMP provides lunch to kids between the ages of 1 and 18 for free. Others can purchase lunch for $3.00

Vernonia Summer Meal Program

The Vernonia Summer Meal Program, sponsored by Vernonia School District 47J, is a cooperation of a plethora of community members and organizations coming together to feed kids and build community through friendships during the Summer. It is run by an amazing staff of wonderful volunteers, and would not be possible without the community's collaboration. Thank you volunteers, parents, and kids for making this possible!!!

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USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

    Social Service, Cafeteria


          Für Kinder geeignet
          Buchung ist NICHT verpflichtend

   (503) 748-9193


      957 State Ave, Vernonia, United States

  Parken auf der Straße


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