Gloria Jean's Coffees North Cyprus

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Gloria Jean's Coffees North Cyprus Official Facebook Page

Gloria Jean's Coffees North Cyprus

Welcome to our Gloria Jean’s Coffees North Cyprus Facebook page, where you can share your passion for Gloria Jean’s Coffees and connect with a community who love great coffee.

Our Facebook page is a forum for everyone to enjoy, and while we encourage open, lively conversation, we do have a few simple house rules.

Please understand that we reserve the right to remove posts/ images/ links that:

1) Are misleading, fraudulent, sexist, racist or discriminatory, obscene, profane or hateful in any nature;
2) Violate another’s copyright or intellectual property;
3) Are disruptive, and off topic;
4) Are derogatory towards other fans;
5) Are personal attacks on individuals or specific groups;
6) Promote or advertise a third party website / social media site or profile;
7) Spamming in nature;
8) Conduct or encourage illegal, harmful, inappropriate or offensive activity;
9) Violate any local, state, federal, and/or international laws and regulations;
10) Are inappropriate to anyone under the age of 18.

Anyone repeatedly breaching our House Rules, trolling or deliberately disrupting discussion will be removed and/or banned from participating on our page.

While we support open discussion, we reserve the right to remove comments at our discretion. Please also understand that comments posted to this page do not represent the opinions of Gloria Jean’s Coffees.

We encourage any suggestions on how we can improve the page. Please send us a private message via our Facebook page.

We look forward to the conversation.

    Cafeteria, Coffee Shop

    Frühstück, Kaffee, Mittagessen

          Für Gruppen geeignet
          Für Kinder geeignet
          Buchung ist NICHT verpflichtend



      Lefkosa, Cyprus




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